
Q. How do you pronounce "FAQ"?
A. Fakk, that's how.

Q. Who is Don?
A. Don Giovanni of the infamous Xalander family. The Xalanders were neighbours and partners in arms with the Corleones back in Sicily.

Q. Who is Giovanni Xalander really?
A. Who cares.

Q. Your blog doesn't look right in ‘so & so’ browser. What can I do?
Download Firefox. 

Q. Why do you sometimes go so long without posting?
I don’t write just for the sake of updating the blog. This is just my personal diary where I scribble all my ramblings, so that in the future I don’t forget how jobless I once was.

Q. Is anything on your blog really true?
A. "Of course, that's impossible.There's no such thing as a true story. As soon as you start telling a story, making it relevant and interesting to me, hooking it into my worldviews and generating emotions and memories, it ceases to be true, at least if we define true as the whole truth, every possible fact, non-localized and regardless of culture.Since you're going to tell a story, you might as well get good at it, focus on it and tell it in a way that you're proud of."
- The words of a wise adman called Seth Godin.

Q. Your blog is boring.

Q. I have this web design company, we...

Q. You want your blog to be boring?

Q. Why?
Bells and whistles are overrated & flash still doesn’t work on iPhones. More importantly who cares what you think?

Q. I have a Blackberry.
What is a blackberry?

Q. Do you run ads anywhere?

Q. Have you ever run an ad?

Q. Why not?
Because no one clicks on web ads.

Q. That's sad.
It is.

Q. Do you take yourself seriously at all?
What do you think?

Q. Why can't I leave some nasty comments?
A. Coz I couldn't care less about your 2 cents, If you really want to be heard you know where to get me.

Q. You seem to be too smug and I really don’t like your blog.
A. That isn’t a question. Well anyways I appreciate criticism. Click here and while you are at it watch this video.

Q. Hey this shit seems easy. I think I should start my own blog.
A. Yes you should. Seth Godin says it better:

" I love watching contrails, those streams of white frozen exhaust that jets leave behind. It's a temporary track in the sand, and then the sun melts them and they're gone. Go to Montana and you might see the tracks dinosaurs left a bazillion years ago. Same sort of travel, very different half-life of their passage.

All day long you're emailing or tweeting or liking or meeting... and every once in a while, something tangible is produced. But is there a mark of your passage? Fifty years later, we might hear a demo tape or an outtake of something a musician scratched together while making an album. Often, though, there's no trace. I'm fascinated by blogs like this one, which are basically public notes and coffee breaks by a brilliant designer in between her 'real' work. Unlike tweets, which vanish, Tina's posts are here for a long time and much easier to share and bookmark. Her trail becomes useful not just to her, but to everyone who is interested.

What would happen if you took ten minutes of coffeebreak downtime every day and produced an online artifact instead? What if your collected thoughts about your industry became an ebook or a series of useful instructions or pages or videos? What if we all did that?"

Q. Are all these pictures really yours?
A. No. And it doesn’t stop with the pictures, many ideas and words on this blog are also sometimes heavily inspired by someone or something else. I sometimes forget to thank each and everyone individually, but I really am very grateful to all the original sources of whatever I put on my blog, a BIG THANK YOU!